OK...Now that the election is over we can all get back to our stained glass and jewelry making as usual, right? Well, I hope so, but with the economy in such an up and down spin I know it's going to be hard. I try to keep a positive outlook on everything, after all that's really all you can do, your already surrounded by so much negativity. So here is what I suggest. Get back to the basics, or nature if you like. Open your eyes to everything and anything as a possibility for a piece of jewelry, or if it can take the heat of a soldering iron and you can wrap foil around it (or lead, zinc, copper or brass) then you could use it in a stained glass sun catcher or unique creation of your own. Be creative folks! They did it back in the great crash of 1929 with tin foil, sugar and you name it. So I know we can do it with what ever we come up with today. Granted I don't think sugar fits into stained glass or jewelry making, but you get the picture. Look at it like this, we've had since 1929 to prepare for the return of this type of money crunch time, so let's get down to business and show how creative we can be!