There are some great websites out there for all you want to be jewelry makers. I've found some really great ones over the years and have just recently found two more. and are both great sites, so if you've always dreamed of beads and jewelry making check them out.
Well with all the hurricanes lately the weather hasn't been all that great around here lately, so it has been a great time to catch up on all those in door projects I have put off. The trouble is that everyone else seems to have a project or two in mind for me that I'm not aware of until right before I decide to start my own. So I'm feeling the need to sneak off and not tell anyone, and just maybe I might get one of my own glass or jewelry projects started and possibly completed with a little luck!
Hope all of you out there are having a great end to your September. The holidays are fast approaching and hopefully you have plenty of product completed for all those great sales your going to make during the holidays! Don't forget, we'd like to hear your comments on the jewelry and glass, let us know what you think of the websites and the blog. Do you have any suggestions or ideas? Well speaking of ideas, there's no one around asking me to do anything right now, so I guess I better attempt to make my getaway! Remember DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF!